We believe anyone can achieve toileting success!

Our practice draws on a wide body of scientific evidence on how to teach toileting effectively, efficiently, and in a manner that learners really enjoy. We use proven methods that have been successful with many people with developmental disabilities, all the way up to adulthood.

Whether the learner is 2 years old, 10, or 20, we can help!

Our Approach.png


Learn more about our practice!

In this video of a presentation for AutismBC, our director Dr. Katie Rinald discusses common toileting challenges for people with ASD. Case study examples from our practice are included.

Katie has also been a guest on the T21Mom podcast three times to answer questions about toileting for people with Down syndrome. Listening will give you a great idea of how our services work.

Here are links to listen:


Toilet learning should be a positive experience! We use evidence-based techniques to make learning toileting skills effective, efficient, and yes - fun!